Resource Library
The following resource library features a curated repository of evidence-based measurement, monitoring, and learning resources, multimedia tools, methodological tools, templates, guidance, and approaches, as well as existing evidence from each country and resources generated by the ZDLH. Please check back regularly as resources are added on a rolling basis. You may also suggest a resource to be considered for inclusion through our contact form.
Displaying 90 resources.
Published in
by Gavi
As part of Gavi's Zero-Dose Learning Week in September 2024, Gavi hosted a full-day webinar to share emerging evidence on reaching zero-dose children with Alliance partners.
Published in
by JSI
The Knowledge Translation (KT) for Zero-Dose Immunization Research toolkit is a guide for effectively transforming research findings into practical applications, ensuring that evidence-based knowledge is communicated, adopted, and used. It includes guiding questions, links to resources, and…
Published in
The Uganda Learning Hub conducted an in-depth analysis of the country’s immunization data ecosystem to assess the utility of existing platforms in identifying and monitoring zero-dose (ZD) and under-immunized (UI) children.
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Despite Uganda’s progress in achieving an average immunization coverage of 90 percent, significant gaps remain in reaching zero-dose (ZD) and under-immunized (UI) children.
Published in
by Zero-Dose Learning Hub
Estimating the costs of interventions to increase childhood immunization coverage in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is essential for evidence-based policymaking. However, few studies focus on the costs of reaching zero-dose (ZD) children, and many lack standardized methodologies.
Published in
by JSI
Achieving equitable vaccination coverage and ensuring no one is left behind are key goals of the Immunization Agenda 2030 and global health efforts.
Published in
by JSI
The Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) established by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), is focused on the outcome of timely, increased, and sustainable use of evidence to improve global, regional, and country immunization programs and policies in alignment with the Gavi 5.0 Strategy and Identify, Reach…
Published in
by JSI
During the period January‒June 2024, JSI, as the Zero-Dose Learning Hub global learning partner, continued to provide technical assistance and collaborate and co-create with the Nigeria Learning Hub.
Published in
by JSI
During the period January‒June 2024, JSI, as the Zero-Dose Learning Hub global learning partner, continued to provide technical assistance and collaborate and co-create with the Mali Learning Hub.
Published in
by icddrb
This paper presents and elaborates on empirical methods and approaches used to identify zero-dose (ZD) and under-immunized (UI) children as well as the communities that these children reside in within Bangladesh.
Published in
by JSI
During the period January‒June 2024, JSI, as the Zero-Dose Learning Hub global learning partner, continued to provide technical assistance and collaborate and co-create with the Bangladesh Learning Hub.
Published in
by JSI
During the period January‒June 2024, JSI, as the Zero-Dose Learning Hub global learning partner, continued to provide technical assistance and collaborate and co-create with the Uganda Learning Hub.
Published in
by Zero-Dose Learning Hub
La trousse d’outils de recherche sur l’application des connaissances (KT) pour la vaccination à dose zéro est un guide qui permet de transformer efficacement les résultats de la recherche en applications pratiques, en veillant à ce que les connaissances fondées sur des données pro
Published in
by Zero-Dose Learning Hub
Despite global efforts to improve vaccination coverage, the number of zero-dose and under-immunized children has increased in Africa, particularly in Nigeria, which has over 2.1 million unvaccinated (zero-dose) children, the highest in the continent.
Published in
by GaneshAID
Les barrières à la vaccination et les déterminants des enfants zéro-dose (EZD) au Mali varient selon les types de districts, mais des obstacles communs incluent le manque de points de services adéquats, des ruptures de stock, des stratégies d’accès insuffisantes, des croyances négatives sur la va
Published in
by GaneshAID
Selon l’évaluation rapide du CAPEV sur la situation des enfants zéro dose au Mali, en 2022, environ 294 111 enfants au Mali n’ont pas reçu la première dose de Pentavalent, avec près de 70 % vivant dans des zones de conflit ou rurales.
Published in
by GaneshAID
En 2023, le Mali Country Learning Hub ou Centre d’Apprentissage pour l’Equité en Vaccination (CAPEV) a été créé et coordonné par GaneshAID, avec un financement de Gavi et sous la direction du Centre National d'Immunisation (CNI).
Published in
by Zero-Dose Learning Hub
In December of 2023 the Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) and the Nigeria Country Learning Hub (CLH) held a learning agenda workshop to adopt and validate learning questions that meet country priorities, map zero-dose (ZD)-related data collected by stakeholders, and co-create data sources and methodo
Published in
by Uganda Learning Hub for Immunisation Equity Team
The Uganda National Expanded Program on Immunisation (UNEPI) has made great strides in improving immunization coverage over the last 20 years. Despite these efforts, challenges in reaching every child with vaccines remain.
Published in
by Uganda Learning Hub for Immunisation Equity
Despite the improvement in vaccination coverage in Uganda, immunization gaps exist and require innovative strategies to bridge the gaps and address vaccine inequities.