Resource Library
The following resource library features a curated repository of evidence-based measurement, monitoring, and learning resources, multimedia tools, methodological tools, templates, guidance, and approaches, as well as existing evidence from each country and resources generated by the ZDLH. Please check back regularly as resources are added on a rolling basis. You may also suggest a resource to be considered for inclusion through our contact form.
Displaying 90 resources.
Published in
by JSI
To inform the tailoring of the Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement (RED-QI) approach to urban contexts in Ethiopia, JSI conducted an assessment to examine the capacity of the urban health system in Addis Ababa.
Published in
by JSI
The UI-FHS project provided technical assistance to sub-national immunization staff at the Regional Health Bureau and Zonal Health Department levels in Ethiopia.
Published in
by JSI
The UI-FHS project worked at the sub-national level in Ethiopia to implement the Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement (RED-QI) approach across more than 2,700 health facilities in 103 woredas across 6 regions.
Published in
by JSI
The Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement (RED-QI) approach builds upon the standard Reaching Every District (RED) strategy which aims to strengthen immunization service delivery in areas with low coverage by incorporating quality improvement (QI) tools.
Published in
by JSI
This brief summarizes the key findings of a larger report on an inquiry UI-FHS conducted to understand which parts of the RED-QI approach were sustained beyond direct technical support.
Published in
by JSI
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) performance improvement cycles are an importnant quality improvement tool that can help health workers idenitfy local solutions to immunization challenges and use data to determine if solutions have resulted in improvements.
Published in
by JSI
This guide, developed in conjuction with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, is intended for staff at the primary health care unity level.
Published in
by JSI
The landscape assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within Bangladesh, with a specific focus on zero-dose and under-immunized children.
Published in
by FHI 360
This evidence map is a guide to the different types of interventions and the existing research relevant to reaching zero-dose children, missed communities, and vulnerable populations.
Published in
by JSI
JSI worked with Gavi to develop this catalog of resources related to immunization service quality and experience.
Published in
by JSI
Although outreach is an important strategy to reaching zero-dose children, efforts need to be further refined to optimize the reach to underserved populations and missed communities.
Published in
by JSI
This guide was originally developed for primary health care unit officers and woreda-level staff in Ethiopia to help them regularly monitor, review, and update their microplans.
Published in
by JSI
This simple one-page job aid details the six key steps of a fishbone diagram, which is a visual tool to identify potential causes of a problem.
Published in
by JSI
Based on experiences implementing the Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement (RED-QI) approach in Uganda and Ethiopia.
Published in
by JSI
Starting in 2010, JSI began exploring applying quality improvement practices and tools to the Reaching Every District strategy, an approach for immunization programs that had been used for years.
Published in
by JSI
This case study describes JSI's approach to addressing inequity in immunization programming by working at the facility, district, and regional levels to implement quality improvement strategies.
Published in
by Jhpiego/JSI
At the time of this paper, Pakistan had the third highest population of zero-dose children globally.
Published in
by JSI
Using root cause analysis and a rapid evidence synthesis, this brief describes how to overcome a key obstacle to reaching zero-dose children.
Published in
by JSI
National-level forecasting for immunization programs is typically conducted on an annual basis, while forecasting at the sub-national and service delivery level is done regularly.
Published in
by JSI
This brief describes how the UI-FHS project introduced a data review process and an Excel tool (IDTT) for triangulating immunization program data and vaccine supply data.