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Resource Library

The following resource library features a curated repository of evidence-based measurement, monitoring, and learning resources, multimedia tools, methodological tools, templates, guidance, and approaches, as well as existing evidence from each country and resources generated by the ZDLH. Please check back regularly as resources are added on a rolling basis. You may also suggest a resource to be considered for inclusion through our contact form.

Displaying 90 resources.

Published in by JSI
Through the UI-FHS project, JSI developed a Microsoft Excel-based Immunization Data Triangulation Tool (IDTT) with five regional health bureaus in Ethiopia.
Published in by JSI
This user guide accompanies the Excel-based Immunization Data Triangulation Tool (IDTT) that triangulates immunization services statistics with supply chain data to produces key indicators and performance scores and provides recommended actions.
Published in by JSI
This job aid details the six steps that health workers at the health facility level should take to improve the data quality of immunization services provided.
Published in by JSI
Data on immunization coverage often varies significantly depending on the source, which can make it a challenge to know which areas to target with strengthened immunization services.
Published in by JSI
UI-FHS aimed to strengthen the routine immunization system in Ethiopia by implementing the Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement Methods (RED-QI) approach.
Published in by JSI
This study aimed to identify barriers and context-appropriate solutions by engaging deeply with caregivers, community members, health workers, and other health system actors through participatory action research, intersectionality, and human-centered design lenses.
Published in by JSI
MRITE and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India developed a monitoring, evaluation, and learning system for COVID-19 vaccination activities in 18 states across India.
Published in by JSI
The UI-FHS project worked with immunization managers and health care workers to increase their capacity to regularly collect, review, and use data for the management and delivery of immunization services.
Published in by JSI
This landscape analysis describes information systems and tools to identify, reach, and monitor zero-dose and under-immunized children.
Published in by JSI
This brief summarizes the key findings and recommendations from a larger landscape analysis describing how information systems and tools can be used to identify, reach, and monitor zero-dose children.