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ZDLH Webinar Recording Vaccinating Every Child: Promising Strategies for Reaching Zero-Dose Children in Mali & Uganda

In the pursuit of global immunization equity, identifying and reaching zero-dose (ZD) children, under-immunized (UI) children, and missed communities remains a complex challenge. During this ZDLH webinar, immunization experts from Mali and Uganda shared their experiences using innovative, data-grounded methods. Also access the recording and slides from the first webinar in this series featuring experts from Bangladesh and Nigeria.


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Published in by AFENET/AHBN
Despite advancements, Nigeria still faces significant challenges in reaching zero-dose children, particularly in marginalized communities with limited healthcare access, low socioeconomic status, and cultural barriers.
Published in by JSI
The Knowledge Translation (KT) for Zero-Dose Immunization Research toolkit is a guide for effectively transforming research findings into practical applications, ensuring that evidence-based knowledge is communicated, adopted, and used. It includes guiding questions, links to resources, and…

Learn more about the IRMMA Framework and how you can apply it in your work

The Country Learning Hubs implement activities to respond to learning priorities aligned with the IRMMA framework by providing tailored and collaborative capacity strengthening, and systematic and robust monitoring and learning for IRMMA-aligned interventions. Learn how the IRMMA framework can help countries reach zero-dose children and missed communities.

Graphic showing the IRMMA Framework

Connect with others working to reach zero-dose children through the Zero-Dose Community of Practice