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Resource Library

The following resource library features a curated repository of evidence-based measurement, monitoring, and learning resources, multimedia tools, methodological tools, templates, guidance, and approaches, as well as existing evidence from each country and resources generated by the ZDLH. Please check back regularly as resources are added on a rolling basis. You may also suggest a resource to be considered for inclusion through our contact form.

Displaying 80 resources.

Published in by Zero-Dose Learning Hub
Zero-dose (ZD) children is a critical objective in global health, and it is at the heart of the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) strategy. Coverage for the first dose of diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis (DTP1)-containing vaccine is the global operational indicator used to estimate ZD children.
Published in by The Geneva Learning Foundation
This conceptual framework captures strategies for reaching zero-dose children including gender intentional strategies, service integration and data use, strategies to reach busy caretakers as well as coordination to reach conflict-affected communities.
Published in by The Geneva Learning Foundation
Identifying zero-dose children requires multiple strategies. This conceptual framework highlights approaches including the involvement of women leaders, use of data, engagement with the vaccine hesitant, and emphasizes the importance of community-driven strategies and agile planning.
Published in by The Geneva Learning Foundation
This frequently asked questions (FAQ) document was developed in response to questions raised during the ZDLH-X1 and -X2 peer learning sessions by participants.
Published in by JSI
L'introduction du vaccin conjugué contre la typhoïde (TCV) au Népal a constitué une opportunité visant à identifier et atteindre les enfants zéro-dose lors de la campagne de rattrapage liée à l'introduction de la vaccination. Fondée sur une série d'entretiens avec des informateurs clés à divers…
Published in by JSI
This situation analysis investigates the existing data collection, analysis, and reporting systems in the four priority states where the Nigeria Country Learning Hub will be focusing its efforts – Kano and Sokoto in the northwest and Borno and Bauchi in the northeast – to understand any bottlenec
Published in by JSI
The landscape assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within Nigeria, with a specific focus on zero-dose and under-immunized children.
Published in by The Geneva Learning Foundation
Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) conducted surveys with digital platform and network managers and their users in order to better understand how these platforms and networks are currently being used by immunization practitioners working to identify and reach zero-dose (ZD) children—including i
Published in by FHI 360
Bien que les zones rurales du Mali aient un taux plus élevé d’enfants n’ayant reçu aucune dose de vaccination par rapport aux zones urbaines, le nombre total d’enfants Zéro-Dose demeure plus élevé dans les zones urbaines, notamment à Sikasso, la troisième région la plus peuplée du Mali.
Published in by FHI 360
Des experts travaillant sur les efforts d'immunisation en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) ont identifié de nombreux défis pour atteindre tous les enfants avec la vaccination, dont l'un est la faible demande de vaccination des soignants.
Published in by FHI 360
Experts working on immunization efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have identified many challenges to reaching all children with vaccination, one of which is low caregiver demand for vaccination. In 2018, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) within the Ministry of Health (…
Published in by FHI 360
Despite rural areas in Mali having a higher rate of zero-dose (ZD) children than urban areas, the total number of ZD children is highest in urban areas, including Sikasso, Mali's third-most populous region. This has led Mali to adopt innovative pro-equity strategies, such as utilizing women's…
Published in by FHI 360
Les taux de vaccination des enfants au Tchad ont régulièrement augmenté ces dernières années, malgré la pandémie de COVID-19. Le succès du pays est probablement dû à plusieurs facteurs, tels que les investissements du gouvernement et des partenaires dans le renforcement des systèmes de santé, en…
Published in by JSI
The Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) conducted landscape assessments to provide a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within Bangladesh, Mali, Nigeria, and Uganda, with a specific focus on zero-dose (ZD) and under-immunized (UI) children.
Published in by JSI
The landscape assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the immunization landscape within Uganda, with a specific focus on zero-dose and under-immunized children.
Published in by JSI
This ZDLH semiannual update informs Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance Board (Gavi Board) and other stakeholders about the mechanism’s work to use evidence to better understand the factors influencing implementation and performance of approaches to identify and reach ZD and under-immunized children and…
Published in by FHI 360
Chad's child immunization rates have increased steadily in recent years, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The country's success is likely due to several factors, including investments by the government and partners in health systems strengthening, particularly in human resources, transportation, cold…
Published in by FHI 360
En raison de l’insécurité le long de certaines de ses frontières et des bouleversements sociopolitiques internes dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, le Cameroun connaît des perturbations dans les services de santé depuis 2016.
Published in by FHI 360
Malgré des taux de couverture nationale élevés, il existe des poches d’inégalités. Ces inégalités sont dues à des facteurs géographiques et sociodémographiques (y compris la richesse, l’habitation dans une résidence rurale ou dans un bidonville urbain, le nombre d’enfants dans le foyer et l’…
Published in by The Geneva Learning Foundation
In September 2023, the Zero-Dose Learning Hub's (ZDLH) Learning Innovation Unit (LIU), held its second inter-country peer learning exchange, “ZDLH-X,” focused on zero-dose (ZD) and under-immunized (UI) children and missed-community challenges in Nigeria and Uganda.