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Microplanning: A Promising Approach to Identify and Reach Zero-Dose Children in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

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by FHI 360

Experts working on immunization efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have identified many challenges to reaching all children with vaccination, one of which is low caregiver demand for vaccination. In 2018, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) within the Ministry of Health (MOH) collaborated with global partners to design and implement a revitalization strategy for routine immunization (RI) called the Mashako Plan. A key component of the Mashako Plan, as well as Gavi’s targeted country assistance plan, is microplanning. Microplanning is a multifaceted process used to create or update maps, identify priority communities, identify barriers to services, and develop workplans with solutions. It combines vaccination coverage data with geographic and population data and often uses community input to develop strategies and activities for immunization delivery. As presented in Gavi’s IRMMA Framework, microplanning is an intervention that cuts across multiple stages of the immunization process, including identifying and reaching unvaccinated children. Novel microplanning approaches or enhancements made to existing microplanning processes can be used to improve identification and reach of zero-dose children and missed communities.

FHI 360
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resource Type
Case study
Technical/Focus Area(s)
Zero-Dose Context