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Assessing the Use of Mapping for Health (M4H) Data for Immunization Program Implementation and Associated Impact on Coverage and Equity in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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by Kinshasa School of Public Health (KSPH) HealthEnabled

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance commissioned HealthEnabled to conduct an evaluation of the acceptance and effective use of Mapping for Health (M4H) data in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for microplanning and routine immunization implementation; and its impact and cost-effectiveness on immunization outcomes. The evaluation aimed to understand the context and implementation of M4H within the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) It also aimed to identify mechanisms through which the use of geospatial data influences microplanning, vaccination coverage, and equity. Recommendations from this study are to: include gender analyses, design and evaluation in upcoming geospatial interventions for immunization; and conduct further cost-effectiveness research to examine the overall value for money of the effective use of geospatial data on immunization outcomes.

Kinshasa School of Public Health (KSPH) & HealthEnabled
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resource Type
Technical/Focus Area(s)