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Vaccinating Every Child: Promising Strategies for Reaching Zero-Dose Children in Bangladesh & Nigeria (Part 1 of 2)

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In the pursuit of global immunization equity, identifying and reaching zero-dose (ZD) children, under-immunized (UI) children, and missed communities remains a complex challenge. Reaching these children with life-saving vaccines requires clear and accurate data about who they are and where they live.

This Zero-Dose Learning Hub webinar was the first in a two-part series on using high-quality data to better reach ZD children, UI children, and missed communities. During this webinar, immunization experts from Bangladesh and Nigeria shared their experiences using innovative, data-grounded methods to reach ZD and UI children and missed communities.


  • Hemel Das, Senior Statistical Officer, International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b): Mr. Das is a senior statistical officer of icddr,b. He has been working with the Bangladesh Country Learning Hub team since its inception. Mr. Das completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Statistics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research interests include statistical methods applied to outcomes related to the health system, especially in child immunization.
  • Dr. Hyelshilni Waziri, Technical Lead Capacity Building and Research, Africa Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET): Dr. Waziri is a field epidemiologist working with AFENET Nigeria as the technical lead for capacity building and research on the Zero-Dose Learning Hub. He has more than 10 years of experience working in the public health practice. He has also worked as a clinical microbiologist in the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. 

Access the recording of the second webinar in this two-part webinar series featuring speakers from Mali and Uganda.